Take a Class with Project Koe
PK Kickboxing classes are taught at several locations in Darien and Stamford, CT. We are expanding in 2016 to areas in and around New York City. Project Koe is a high-tempo fitness program incorporating traditional martial arts techniques, including opportunities to “kiai” during class. It is an intense, non-contact fitness class that provides a fun, full body workout.

Corporate Retreats
Is your group looking for an uplifting, empowering – and somewhat sweaty – experience? Contact us! At Project Koe, we bring the retreat to you. Our sessions are one part discussion, where we engage in activities to help your group members find their “koe,” and two parts fitness and meditation.
Koe In the Classroom
What makes Project Koe special for youth?
For the teenage class, prior to the fitness warm-up, we engage students in a brief discussion relevant to young women. Students are given “fitness journals,” personalized with their names in Japanese calligraphy, to record their thoughts on various discussion topics, Topics may include: healthy eating decisions, the importance of drinking water, the long-term benefits of good posture, the physical and emotional necessity of regular exercise, and, of course, the power in finding one’s voice.
Students then engage in a 30-minute, modified PK Kickboxing class. The class is a mix of fitness and martial arts. Upbeat hip-hop remixes are played to keep the students motivated and engaged.
All participants are provided with a PK-logo tank top and water bottle to take home. Classes can be done in 4-week sessions, or 1-afternoon seminars. We request that class size not exceed 30 students. Contact us for additional information.
Fitness At Your Desk
The office can wreak havoc on your fitness and health goals.
The office can wreak havoc on your fitness and health goals. With long staff meetings and endless conference calls, it’s easy to give in to a sedentary lifestyle during the work week. Plus, if your office is anything like my former employer, there are snacks galore (it’s always someone’s birthday!), so temptation is great. Early morning meetings and late night strategy sessions can add up to an entire week of inactivity.
If a lunch hour workout isn’t an option (lunch hour? what’s that?!), then here are a few traditional martial arts moves you can do right in the privacy of your office, cubicle or empty conference room. So go ahead and claim a few minutes of the day for yourself, throw some punches and kicks, and warn your co-workers that you’re going to feel energized and powerful when you’re done. They might not want to argue with you over those budget numbers….
Support Project Koe
Project Koe charges a minimal fee to provide training, tee-shirts, and instructors for our “Koe in the Classroom” students. Often, there is no charge at all for New York City area public schools. You can help support our work. Many of our classes are 30-40 girls in size, and we offer the same instruction for several different grades in each school. Please help us to grow and expand the program.
“ProjectKoe is a very fun organization. Nicole is energetic and supportive. ProjectKoe helps participants stay fit, while learning very useful self-defense skills. Overall, I’d like to participate in this class again.”
“This was very exciting and I truly enjoyed myself. I learned a lot and I am excited that they are teaching young people (especially women) to have their own voice. Thank you.”
“I really enjoyed this. I would love to take the 12-week course because it was amazing. Great way to stay fit, let out anger and learn in a fun way.”